The Lady behind the network.
“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” -Madeline Allbright
I have adopted this sentence as our motto and it is also the ethos of our Network.
We kick off every session with our ice-breaker;
How can I help you and how can you help me?
This helps with introductions, contacts and many connections are made.
We will continually strive to build an invaluable Network that supports, empowers and encourages other women, whilst raising invaluable charitable funds for worthwhile causes.
My late husband, Robin Corbett, was an MP.
He was awarded a Peerage when he decided to vacate his House of Commons seat after 18 years of hard slog.
Unfortunately whatever they say about a title, I find it makes no difference when trying to get a table in a fully booked restaurant or upgrade on a flight!
“I believe that returning citizens deserve the very best chance for a fresh start after they have served the time for their crime.”
The Robin Corbett Award for Prisoner Re-Integration was established by members of Lord Corbett’s family in conjunction with the Prison Reform Trust. Profits raised from our Network’s events go straight in supporting this worthy cause.
The Corbett Network for Prisoner Re-integration is our other main enterprise.
It is a coalition of more than 80 decision-makers of major rehabilitation charities and organisations dedicated to reducing re-offending by supporting people with convictions find and keep a job.
We’re so proud to have welcomed a number of inspirational speakers over the years.
From leading CEO’s, to game-changing leaders, to engaging high profile professionals, each with an exceptional story to deliver to our Network.
Take a look below at some of our incredible speakers.
Lady Val’s Professional Women’s Network, The Robin Corbett Award and The Corbett Network are trading names of The Corbett Foundation registered not-for-profit Limited by Guarantee Company, (Social Enterprise) No:11846765 (UK) Email: Web: